Social and economic ethic


The Green Cabana works in partnership with farms with the same social and economic ethic based on the principles of fair trade.

01. CARE 04. 02. 03. EDUCATION TRAINING WORKING CONDITIONS Overall social approach

Overall social responsibility policy

Farms working for The Green Cabana employ 3,500 permanents and 2,000 seasonal workers and contribute to 20,000 people’s income in Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania. Workers are all adults, paid and equipped in strict compliance with national and international rules.

By allowing local people to work on site in stable and secure conditions, The Green Cabana offers them the opportunity to live in their native region and avoids the trauma of economic migration.

The Green Cabana participates in the life of the different communities

The Green Cabana is the most rigorous in ensuring that trade with agricultural producers is balanced and profitable for the entire chain. This requirement guarantees the quality of the production, the durability of the relations, the development of the businesses and the respect of the good working conditions.

  • Water supply for people and cattles
  • Construction of health clinics
  • Construction of nurseries
  • Financing the construction and renovation of primary school classrooms
  • Supply of bike to facilitate employees’ move
  • Sports and artistic associations financing (football, volleyball, darts game, badminton and theater)
  • Construction of police buildings to strengthen the security of the population
  • Construction of administrative services buildings to assist the population